Thursday, May 15, 2008

Does Thanking make a difference?!

Many ideas were dwelling in my brain right from the second I wrote the first blog. Then they slowly subsided and finally forgotten. This post is coming up with the gush ( to be scientifically precise"instantaneous energy"). Many many ideas ,thoughts or plans have sprung up for this post to come into life and they all have defined the word laziness for being not crawled into life.

This note comes out with inexpressible thankfulness right from the deepest cores of my heart for all those who have helped me or who got help from me or who hate me or who love me.. basically this one is for everyone I know or the everyone who knows me. I have met quite a variety of people..( exaggerating) more varieties than I can imagine. But 90% of them including myself have always told "Things weren't easy!" I recollect words of my uncle which have made very strong impression on me.It was the time when I was seriously sick but happy and I was telling how much my doctor earns every month to my uncle who was sitting right next to my bed in the hosp. My uncle said only one sentence ' All of you think about the measure of the money or fame he earns, now try to think how much pain or hard work he has put to get all of this' I thank my uncle to improve my perception" . Whatever I had in my life, the pains, the suffering, the acclaims, the tensions, the pleasure, the money, whatever is not my sole effort. It is and was the people around me and HIM who have made it possible. I was always surrounded by people, by their love, by their words when I was or am in pain. And I always was surrounded by people when I am happy , when am celebrating for the reason that they are the cause of my happiness and success. All the prayers, the support, the love, the motivation , the jealousy, the selfishness, the hatred of all the people have made me become strong, lovable, loving and crazy. I really wonder at how things though extremely difficult went on a smooth ride.

After seeing so many ups and downs ( 'many' is debatable but don't ) now I start wondering how to thank each and every person and how. Good that google doesn't have restrictions on writing pages but if i really start to pen down each and every name it would really be overwhelming. All I could say is "Thank You" for each and every person I know for whatever reason they know me or vice versa. It was all their effort to put me in such a place. I still have many things on my head but I really am happy for whatever I had or have or going to have. I am grateful to the One for having each one of you in my life. Thank you.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

The Heading says it all

This blog will definetly show the typicality of a first common and make no sense blog. People who are hazy,confused yet having something in mind could find at home with this one.

Now I start with the same old. " Hi am so .... and soo..... "which obviously no one is interested in. Then i will go on saying on what i like and i dont. what i have and dont... which makes my blog typically "first one" as self centered as possible.

For a change lemme start with describing the beauty around me. Every saturday (although missed today) i go thru a place called "Cherokee Blvd" on my way to the school. I can take the 11 bus which i obviously will if it comes first but i stand at the stop waiting(actually praying ) for the 10 the small trolley called the "Link" which takes the longest route possible closer to the nature's beauty. Wonderful houses with elegantly maintained lawns, people basking out in the sun, expensive cars and crystal clear water. Though the combination is not completely natural, it feels really good looking at them . Actually good here is defined as "inspired". Well dunno if i have wrongly used it but i do feel the inspiration from within, though very volatile. People have worked their best giving out their time and energy to get a wonderful house very close to the nature. Irony in life is that all this science , technology , job and work take us very far from nature and again we spend thousands to millions to get back to nature. Probably the greatest magnet by him "Nature".. well let me not drift.. Whenever i see this place I always keep telling myself." I will have such a wonderful house very soon"

I really wonder at the money spent on the houses which they obviously worth to be spent on. One house as i write this comes into my picture is a house which is quite high from the level of the road. Built as intricately close to nature as possible. High trees at its entrance covering the "little vast" area of lawn with its shadows and the lawn itself so neatly maintained that from the link it looks as if there are huge stripes drawn on it. Wish I have a house like that with HUGE tress in the front. Actually a tree should run amidst of the house making me still closer to the nature. I really can imagine the amount of work i need to put in to imagine being in a house like that.

I always thought God has very subtle ways of explaiing his views to his people. Look at the way he called the "Link" is it a link connecting people with the rat race to the nature? or is it a way of showing people like me the "Link " between the hard work and happiness?!! I do believe that happiness is not money alone but i also belive in happiness being in lap of nature.

"Messages" ( Paulo coehlo calls it "Omen") are evident from him. Just open up your eyes and think. We are actually really close to him. It takes a little effort to feel it.