Friday, July 22, 2011

Infection of Happiness

As always, I had to write this one. I just have so much in my head that I need to share it. I just had to write this because for the recent past, I have been putting off things so much that it has become unbelievably overwhelming. To quote, I am exactly feeling like Bradley Cooper from Limitless after taking his first pill. I so want to get out of this rut and share my happiness to everyone. The past few days have been rough, well, I cannot say rough but rough, whatever,  things are moving quite good but not as expected. ( There is no satisfaction to human kind eh..?). Anyway, I saw a couple of movies recently that have been so close to my heart. ( No not chick flicks.) This lovely morning, I realized how lucky I was to have an amazing childhood, teenage and until now. I had everything I deserved, almost everything I asked for, incidents which made me happy, sad and some which even cost my life and I am still happy for what I have. I am so lucky to have such a beautiful life than most of the people in this world. I can eat anything I want, actually I can cook anything I want. All these simple thoughts are making me so happy that even though I am trying very hard to put it in good words, I am unable to.

Sitting in the library lobby, watching people walking around busily makes me happy. I will tell you why. With a huge smile on my face, I could successfully infect atleast a couple of tens smile back at me. Watching a beautiful girl dressed amazingly well in a bright dress, six inch heels at 11 am with atleast a dozen fat books checking out made me come to a conclusion that she actually had time for all that make up probably at 7 or 8 in the morning made me chuckle. Looking at a 50+ year old lady, walking hastily with a stoop with a couple of books and her partner slowly behind her trying to keep up with her reminded me of mom and dad because I know my mom would go crazy in a huge library like ours. This made my eyes wet with joy. I just overheard two girls shouting "I love you" to each other. When I looked at them, they both were facing away from each other, one of them walking away, probably its a "Girly bbye" and both of them shrugging their shoulders in a "whatever" expression. I started to laugh so hard that tears that rolled in my eyes just a min ago actually came out. Thinking of the movies I recently saw, books I read long back and philosophy that stuck to me from various sources and connecting the dots, I think I am happy not for me but for others. I am happy because a woman not only takes time to read a dozen books but also takes time to take care of herself. I am a shaggy nerd so I know how I feel about it. I am happy because a 50+ year old woman still finds time and energy to improve her knowledge. I am happy because her partner was right behind her to take care of her and probably he is happy that his partner is happy. I am also happy because although the girls shrugged in despair( I might be wrong too. ) took effort to say that they love each other. I am happy just that I am able to find happiness in everyone I see around and before hitting my lunch, I just want to force a couple of ppl to smile back at me. :)

(Oh, this is not a lot. Well, All izz well)