Friday, July 22, 2011

Infection of Happiness

As always, I had to write this one. I just have so much in my head that I need to share it. I just had to write this because for the recent past, I have been putting off things so much that it has become unbelievably overwhelming. To quote, I am exactly feeling like Bradley Cooper from Limitless after taking his first pill. I so want to get out of this rut and share my happiness to everyone. The past few days have been rough, well, I cannot say rough but rough, whatever,  things are moving quite good but not as expected. ( There is no satisfaction to human kind eh..?). Anyway, I saw a couple of movies recently that have been so close to my heart. ( No not chick flicks.) This lovely morning, I realized how lucky I was to have an amazing childhood, teenage and until now. I had everything I deserved, almost everything I asked for, incidents which made me happy, sad and some which even cost my life and I am still happy for what I have. I am so lucky to have such a beautiful life than most of the people in this world. I can eat anything I want, actually I can cook anything I want. All these simple thoughts are making me so happy that even though I am trying very hard to put it in good words, I am unable to.

Sitting in the library lobby, watching people walking around busily makes me happy. I will tell you why. With a huge smile on my face, I could successfully infect atleast a couple of tens smile back at me. Watching a beautiful girl dressed amazingly well in a bright dress, six inch heels at 11 am with atleast a dozen fat books checking out made me come to a conclusion that she actually had time for all that make up probably at 7 or 8 in the morning made me chuckle. Looking at a 50+ year old lady, walking hastily with a stoop with a couple of books and her partner slowly behind her trying to keep up with her reminded me of mom and dad because I know my mom would go crazy in a huge library like ours. This made my eyes wet with joy. I just overheard two girls shouting "I love you" to each other. When I looked at them, they both were facing away from each other, one of them walking away, probably its a "Girly bbye" and both of them shrugging their shoulders in a "whatever" expression. I started to laugh so hard that tears that rolled in my eyes just a min ago actually came out. Thinking of the movies I recently saw, books I read long back and philosophy that stuck to me from various sources and connecting the dots, I think I am happy not for me but for others. I am happy because a woman not only takes time to read a dozen books but also takes time to take care of herself. I am a shaggy nerd so I know how I feel about it. I am happy because a 50+ year old woman still finds time and energy to improve her knowledge. I am happy because her partner was right behind her to take care of her and probably he is happy that his partner is happy. I am also happy because although the girls shrugged in despair( I might be wrong too. ) took effort to say that they love each other. I am happy just that I am able to find happiness in everyone I see around and before hitting my lunch, I just want to force a couple of ppl to smile back at me. :)

(Oh, this is not a lot. Well, All izz well)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Like any other post, I want to say that this one is looooong due, but it is not. It is soo amazing that you learn lot of things from mistakes. I have read about it hundreds, may be thousands of times, definitely experienced it thousands of times but every time, it is a new thrill. It actually starts with hating yourself, followed by guilt, then smile, then moving on making sure not to repeat it again. Surprisingly, I had the guts to make a mistake which probably no one I knew did so far. I confessed to my interviewer that I did not eat and sleep for the past two days and apologized. Seems a fair thing to do but imagine what my interviewer was thinking when I told him this. He should probably had thought " What a nerve on this idiot?" but he was pleasant enough not to say that. I learnt several things from this, being honest gives you personal satisfaction, courage to write something like this in public and also teaches you to take enough rest and prepare well for all the future interviews, meetings and any other important stuff. Dear Mr.Interviewer, I am extremely sorry but I was not lying and I did not want to waste your time.